I found another very useful Info from the book that I read.
picture taken from http://images.bookbyte.com
Myths and Facts about Suicide (my simplified version)
myth people who talk about suicide don't commit suicide.wrong
fact it's actually a cry for help from that person that most people misunderstand as a joke and consider it as one.
myth improvement in a suicidal person means the risk of suicide has passed.
fact improvement is sometimes a sign that a person is preparing the attempt.
myth Once a suicide risk always a suicide risk.
fact people who encounter suicide and survive or is intervened usually put the thought aside.
myth suicide is inherited.
fact It is not genetic (as if),It can occur to any family.
myth Suicide affects a certain class of people.
fact It can happen to anyone.
myth suicidal individuals are insane.
fact this is a bit true, In some cases, But suicide is done with careful reasoning and deliberate judgment as the book said.
myth suicidal individuals are fully intent on dying.
fact most suicide cases are undecided whether they want to live or die.
myth the motive for a particular suicide is clearly evident
fact one problem is not enough it takes a lot of them to trigger a suicide and it usually develops over time through a certain pattern.
another cute trivia did you know that alcoholism can be considered as slow suicide since it is a pattern to one's own self destruction.
I got this info on the same book that I read The Last Dance Encountering Death and Dying fifth edition Lynne Ann DeSpelder Albert lee Strickland.
Oh! by the way I considered in posting this, since I also recently saw some news regarding this subject. It's a bit of information so just to add a little bit of knowledge. Avoiding it one should know a bit about what causes it.
remember, careful what you say to others that might hurt, you may think your doing good but your not.just remember to remind them why you said that in the first place or better yet do it in a nice tone that you know would not hit that hard.
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